Effects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on child abuse and neglect
ES Gokten, NS Duman, N Soylu, ME Uzun
Child abuse & neglect 62, 1-9
Psychiatric assessment of adolescent delinquents: case series
Ö Şireli, Z Esenkaya, H Yaylalı, Ç Uğur, NS Duman, B Gül, M Günay, ...
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 21 (2), 131-138
Lens opacities in children using methylphenidate hydrochloride
NS Duman, R Duman, E Sarı Gökten, R Duman
Cutaneous and ocular toxicology 36 (4), 362-365
Evaluation of Depression and Anxiety Levels in Mothers of Babies' Following Due to Premature Retinopathy
NS Duman, ES Gökten, R Duman, R Duman, SG Çevik
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
Hekimlerin Erken Yaşta Evliliklere Yönelik Farkındalıkları ve Tutumları
NS Duman, ES Gökten, HN Rana
Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi 20 (3)
Factors influencing the development of psychiatric disorders in the victims of sexual abuse: A study on Turkish children
ES Gokten, NS Duman
Children and Youth Services Review 69, 49-55
The evaluation of children referred for health measure ruling according to the Child Protection Law
NS Duman, ES Gokten, A Efe, C Buyukuysal
The European Research Journal 2 (2), 121
Methylphenidate hydrochloride and asymptomatic ocular changes.
NS Duman, R Duman, ES Gokten, SG Cevik, A Balikci, N Parmak, ...
Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni 25
After The Diagnosis Of Cancer Long-Term Follow-Up, Psychiatric Problems And Psychotherapeutic Approaches: A Case Report
NS Duman, ES Gökten, A Efe
Acta Oncologica Turcica; Cilt: 48 Sayı: 2; 79-82
West syndrome and autism: a case report
ES Gokten, NS Duman
The European Research Journal 1 (3), 154
Kanser Tanısı Sonrası Uzun Süreli İzlem, Psikiyatrik Sorunlar Ve Psikoterapötik Yaklaşım: Olgu Sunumu
NS Duman, ES Gökten, A Efe
Acta Oncologica Turcica 48 (2), 79-82
Antiepileptic treatment in a child with Landau Kleffner syndrome: a case report
Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi 25 (4), 282
Cinsel istismar mağdurlarının psikiyatrik değerlendirmesi ve izlemi: son dört yıllık deneyim
Ç Uğur, Ö Şireli, Z Esenkaya, H Yaylalı, NS Duman, B Gül, M Günay, ...
Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi 19 (2), 81-86
A Case of Carbonic Anhydrase Type 2 Deficiency Syndrome with Autistic Disorder
Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi 51 (2), 172
Çocuklarda Kanser, Ölüm Kavramı ve Yas
NS Duman
Acta Oncologica Turcica 47 (2), 26-30